The participating bots must be wireless and autonomous. It can be circular / Rectangular in style. The bot must fit inside a box 20 centimeters in length, 20 centimeters wide, and 20 centimeters in height at any point in time. Maximum weight should not be more than 5Kgs including battery, however, a tolerance of 5% in weight is acceptable. Participants need to ensure:
- Batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).
- The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not be more than 16.8V DC at any point in time for each robot.
- Infrared light-reflecting materials must not be used on the outside. If robots are painted, they must be painted matte. Minor parts that reflect infrared light could be used only if other robots are not affected. Robots must not produce magnetic interference for other robots on the field.
- If a team claims that their robot is affected by the other team’s robot in any way they must show proof/evidence of the interference. Any interference must be confirmed by a Referee if a claim is placed by the other team.
- The robot must be autonomous.
- Robots must be constructed and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to only one direction and must move in all directions.
- No wireless communication between the bot and the operator will be allowed. Bluetooth, RF Module, etc not allowed on the bot.
- Any robotic parts/building material can be used until the robot meets the above specifications and if the design and construction are primarily the original work of the team ready-made robots are not allowed to compete in the competition.