
Fastest Line Follower


Fastest Line Follower

Team to build own autonomous robot within the specified dimensions to achieve the maximum speed on the given track and reach the destination in minimum time. The robot must start behind the starting point and is considered to have crossed the finishing line if any part of the robot crosses it in a full lap of the course. The robot must follow the black line. The competition area has a special place defined for the robot’s operation (here after COMPETITION FIELD).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Jr. Category : RoboClubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 8 to 16 years.

How to get on FLF

A match is played by a single team in one go, with each team consisting of 1 autonomous Bot. An individual may participate or construct a team of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 members. Any institution (School/College/University/Vocational Institution) or group of students (within defined age), may form a team.

  • STEP 1: Register your RoboClub or Institute as TechnoXian RoboClub online at the official TechnoXian website. If you do not have a Club or institute, you may form a new TX RoboClub.
  • STEP 2: Once your FLF Club is active, you may select the Fastest Line Follower Challenge category from the competition list in your login panel, and apply. You will also be needed to select members from your club who will participate in the challenge. Each team must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 members. A club can register multiple teams for the same challenge.
  • STEP 3: Construct a wireless autonomous or manual Bot. Ready-made bots will not be allowed to compete. Only self-made or TechnoXian listed DIY kits can be used to make a bot.
  • STEP 4: Prepare a video of 1 minute to 5 minutes (maximum 100 MB), showcasing team readiness, creativity, preparing for challenges, or anything to show passion to participate in TechnoXian. Share the video either on email at   infociv@technoxian.in  (as Google Drive or We transfer) mentioning Your WRC ID (Competition Id). All videos will be uploaded on TechnoXian YouTube channel.
    (Note: Video is for promotion for our Participants who are coming to participate in Technoxian)

The FLF Bot

The participating bots must be wireless and autonomous. It can be circular / Rectangular in style. The bot must fit inside a box  20 centimeters in length20 centimeters wide, and 20 centimeters in height at any point in time. Maximum weight should not be more than 5Kgs including battery, however, a tolerance of 5% in weight is acceptable.  Participants need to ensure:

  • Batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).
  • The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not be more than 16.8V DC at any point in time for each robot.
  • Infrared light-reflecting materials must not be used on the outside. If robots are painted, they must be painted matte. Minor parts that reflect infrared light could be used only if other robots are not affected. Robots must not produce magnetic interference for other robots on the field.
  • If a team claims that their robot is affected by the other team’s robot in any way they must show proof/evidence of the interference. Any interference must be confirmed by a Referee if a claim is placed by the other team.
  • The robot must be autonomous.
  • Robots must be constructed and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to only one direction and must move in all directions.
  • No wireless communication between the bot and the operator will be allowed. Bluetooth, RF Module, etc not allowed on the bot.
  • Any robotic parts/building material can be used until the robot meets the above specifications and if the design and construction are primarily the original work of the team ready-made robots are not allowed to compete in the competition.
FLF Racing Track

The Racing track of the Fastest Line Follower challenge has a track total length of 180 – 200 ft (approximately) on an arena dimension of 24X24 SqF. The width of the black line will be 25mm. The surface of the track will be white with a black line marked on it. The track may contain crossed, curved, or discontinuous black lines.

The start and finish points will be the same.

The timing of each run will be measured by an automatic timing system.

3D Model Arene: Move Cursor to View 360 degree

FLF Game Play
  • The robot will be placed at the starting point with the consent of the referee. The RACE CLOCK will start as soon as the robot crosses the starting point and will stop after the robot crosses the starting point again. This will be done by an automatic timing system.
  • The bot may restart the run if the person handling it feels the necessity. A restart can be requested only if the robot doesn’t follow the line, has stopped halfway, or has lost the directions/Black line.
  • At any restart, the robot must be re-positioned back at the start point.
  • It is not allowed to reprogram the robot or to add/remove parts on the robot during the run, but adjusting the sensors is permissible with the consent of the referee.
  • The RACE CLOCK/RUN TIME will reset to zero on every restart. The COMPETITION CLOCK (maximum access time) will keep running during all restarts.
  • A robot must restart if bot does not start after pressing the Start Button for 30 Seconds, the bot is touched by a human without the consent of the referee, the bot moves out of the arena or the referee orders it to restart.
Competition Information

Registration Fee :

  • Per Challenge Fee: 50 USD 

For Any Query :
Feel Free To Call : +225-0151042752
Email : infociv@technoxian.in