The participating bot (Micromouse) must be wireless and autonomous. Any robot kit or building material may be used if the bot fits inside a box of 15 centimeters leangth, 15 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters hight at any point in time. It can be circular / Rectangular in style. Bot must. Maximum weight should not be more than 5Kgs including battery, however, a tolerance of 5% in weight is acceptable. Also the design and construction are primarily the original work of the team. Participants need to ensure:
- The Micromouse must be controlled autonomously with no human aid. A MicroMouse shall not use an energy source employing a combustion process.
- A MicroMouse shall not leave any part of its body behind while navigating the maze.
- A MicroMouse shall not jump over, fly over, climb, scratch, cut, burn, mark, damage, or destroy the walls of the maze.
- No wireless communication between bot and operator will be allowed. Bluetooth, RF Module, etc not allowed on bot.
- The controller unit should be embedded in the robot and cannot be placed outside the robot.
- The robot must be powered by a power source such as a battery fixed on the robot. It cannot be powered by a stationary power source connected to the robot by a cord.